Color fantasy!

These images are small glimpses of part of our garden as of August 1st, 2020, and it can sure look nice – with the angle of the camera just right!

A mix of late and early bloomers.
The Peacock overlooking the pond with which we do not know what to do…
This year’s expansion
Overgrown, just a bit… hiding the old-style railing of the play-house made by Morten.

Flowers are nice, and I suppose most people agree that blooming flowers are nice, of course. 

Easy-growing yellow nightmare flower.
This lily used to be white with a red line. Moved it – and it turned out all pinkish.
Yellow, cool lilies my mother left behind when she moved. I am not sorry for that. 
My favorite: Blue beauties!!!

My favorite flower color is definitely blue – and when it comes to flowers, blue flowers share a wide variety of shapes and shades, and most of them look awesome. My blue flower-area-project have been corrupted over the years, though. The blue does not stand by itself anymore, and is accompanied by white, green, yellow, pink and so on.

And, guess what, it looks fairly decent when the weeds are taken away!!!! Since I hate pulling weeds: Yes, I admit it!!!! I had the help of my adorable husband and my brother’s superdupergirlfriend! Thank you! 


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